Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Danger! Danger!

I am in danger of reverting back to my old way of eating. I was fine for two weeks after my Whole30 since I had decided that I wanted to keep going. I was eating well and I felt great. My energy was going back to how I used to feel in college. I had lost 13 pounds which eased the stress on my back. I was even doing better at yoga. Unfortunately, during these last two weeks, it's all hit the fan. My sugar dragon came out and bested me when I thought I could handle a piece of chocolate with C. My energy plummeted after I ate the Mac'n'cheese at my folk's house, but I had thought it would be temporary...yeah right.

What do I do now? Finish the week off with a bang and then start back up after I move or try to jump up on that horse and start anew. Should I stress out about my eating habits while I'm also stressing out about packing, moving, and starting new at a new job? I thought that it would put too much stress on me. I'm already panicky enough, but now, I think I need that diet and nutrition to keep me afloat. Unfortunately, Maw-maw wants to show her love for me by cooking. You know, that Southern tradition where love is in the food, regardless if it came out of a box or not. 

This past weekend was a blur. Saturday, I helped get Maw-maw's tank set up then drove out to Animal Jungle to find a battery operated air pump for my fish whom I am taking with me. I, then, drove a friend of mine to the beach so that we could watch the naval ship that her husband and my uncle are on leave. They won't be back for a while so it was kind of sad to watch them and the rain wasn't helping at all with the mood. Afterwards, I packed my gazillion books. Finally, I went to my best friend's house in the boonies (literally a 40 minute drive away) to see her new place and drink some wine and talk for a bit. I didn't get home until after midnight.

Sunday, I woke up early to go to yoga, then got my haircut. I like how it looks, mainly because it looks healthy again. I still didn't spring for that short hairstyle that so many people suggest to me. It's still passed my shoulders and it'll grow back down my back in a short while. Afterwards, I went to my mom and dad's and hung out for a bit. I snuggled with their pittie, Taco while we talked about the arrangements for this coming weekend. Then, I went to my other best friend's house for a dinner party that she had invited me to. I had  wonderful time and it was nice to see everyone together one more time before I vamoose from the area. T, L, and their husbands are all planning on when they are coming to visit which is exciting. I don't want it to be like last time when we stopped talking.

This week is busy. Tomorrow is my mom's birthday, so I am going over there for dinner and to hang out. Thursday, I have my last social spinning/knitting with my favorite crafty people. Then Friday, I start packing the truck so that on Saturday, we can travel. This month has flown by and I feel like I haven't done anything yet. Sigh.

I'll keep everyone posted!

-- Yersinia

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