Friday, February 7, 2014

This week, I show you an infographic that is shows why I am a Nerd and not a Geek as many people assume. I'm not afraid of showing off my Nerd-style and I don't care if you call me a Nerd. It's who I am and I'm proud of it. There is nothing wrong with being socially awkward, introverted, and obsessed with the academic world. There is also nothing wrong with being a Geek, but I can't do it. If you click on the infographic, it should get bigger. 

This weekend is going to be nuts. I am working on Saturday and Sunday to keep my hours up at work. The tolls for the ERB systems have gone up and my coworkers all live on the wrong side; doesn't bother me though. I kind of like the relaxed atmosphere and the alone time.

Tomorrow is my best friend's baby shower. It's her first baby and I'm so happy for her. I know she wanted kids for a while now. I stopped by the stores that she registered for, but I think I am going to go rebel on her. If I had enough time and not a lot going on, I would have loved to make her something for him like a hat or manly diaper cover, but that's not going to happen in time.

Tomorrow night, my aunt and uncle are having their anniversary dinner and good-bye party (uncle is in the Navy) at a country western bar. This gives me an excuse to go dancing before I have to truly focus on packing my bags for my big adventure/move. We always have a good time here and I started to learn a ton of the line dances. I hope that I can find a similar place where I move so that I can continue to enjoy a night of dancing and possibly make new friends too.

Sunday, I plan on going to the opera with my Mom. We like these cultural Mother/Daughter dates. For the past two years, we have gone to Opera at the Park which is a free event held every year. It's truly awesome. This opera is going to be Ariande auf Naxos which is a comedy by Strauss. It's a mixture of burlesque and opera, so it will be entertaining.

Also, on Sunday, I will have to start the arduous task of packing my room and making sure I have everything for occupational health on Tuesday. I have been putting off the packing because I know how Maw-maw feels about me leaving. I want to cause as little stress as possible for her. She doesn't do change well. How do you try and make it a seamless move, but also hope to cause little trouble with the relative you are living with? I think talking helped a little, but I'm sure the rest of the family will have to step up a little so that she has someone around. To be honest, she feels as if she's a burden on everyone. I keep telling her that that is not so, but she won't listen. She even told me that she won't call anyone if she has to go to Doctor's or emergency department because she doesn't want to cause trouble. Someone needs to knock some sense into her.

So, what am I up to tonight, you ask? I am going to have dinner with my parents. I love spending time with them, but I feel like I haven't done enough. I always feel this way before a big change. For example, when my Pop-pop passed away, I felt like I shouldn't have moved up to Washington, DC and spent more time with him. I felt like I should have dropped everything when my grandparents in California renewed their vows, but instead, I was in school and I couldn't miss a day. I guess I regret things when I shouldn't.

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