Monday, February 3, 2014

The last week of Whole30!

The last week of the Whole30 was a bit of chaos, but I managed to finish the program without a hitch. Unfortunately, I don't quite remember what I ate during that time, especially since on Wednesday, I found out that I got the job that I interviewed for and the thought about moving within a month really started to set in during the weekend after my Whole30 finished. I'm a mixture of emotions and feel bittersweet when I realize that I'm leaving my friends and family behind, but I will be able to see them often because I'm not moving out of the state.

On Saturday, I had to work and read urine cultures which wasn't so bad because of the recent snow, but I went in late because I hung outside with my Dad and his neighbor who came over to fix our electrical meter box. I came home with barely enough time to whip up some blueberry glazed pork chops which was a modification of this PaleOMG recipe and some snap snow peas. 

On Sunday, I went to yoga for some much needed zen in my life. It's one of the few exercises that I truly enjoy because I can just focus on the now. My brain actually gives up its hold on my nervous system for an hour. Afterwards, I decided to go to the grocery store by myself since my aunt and uncle stopped by to visit with Maw-maw which was fine. I still had a hard time finding things since Sundays are so packed with people.

When I got home, I took the leftover spaghetti squash to make PaleOMG's Spaghetti Squash Casserole which was surprisingly easy and good. I really wanted to make pad thai, but I couldn't find sunbutter that didn't have any sugar in it (except online). I was able to use up all the spaghetti squash and have decent leftovers for the next couple of days which was a bonus. 

Monday was your typical same 'ol day. I went to work, but since I worked on the weekend, I decided to take over the micro bench to finish out what I was doing which was rather nice. I, usually, work the chemistry bench and do my admin stuff on Mondays, so a change was definitely in order. I was feeling amazing too!

Dinner was nomnompaleo's Cracklin' Chicken. Unfortunately, I let my oil get too hot and so it scorched my chicken. I was afraid of the skin getting too burnt that I flipped them over sooner than Michelle Tam suggested. I was rewarded with crispy skin, but uncooked meat. I had to finish the chicken in the microwave once I started to eat. I was highly disappointed at myself. 

Tuesday, was another work day, but they were threatening another snow day with more snow that before. I was a little skeptical, but decided that I should get my car inspected, just in case I couldn't get there for the rest of the week. My car passed the state inspection and an oil change for free! SCORE! Anyways, I got to work late and still finished my work around lunch time. The clouds were starting to roll in and the temperature dropped a little by the time I left work, so I figured that I shouldn't spend too much time out and about. By the time I got home, which is only a 15 minute drive, it had started to flurry. Guess we were getting snow afterall! 

That night, I made a mexican meatza with Glen muir brand medium salsa, a diced avocado, red onion slices, and bell pepper slices. I was pleasantly surprised with how it came out. Maw-maw thought it was a little spicy, but I guess that salsa tends to get spicier when the liquid evaporates. Not sure, but even she was happy with it. 

Wednesday was a snow day! It snowed over 10" in my hometown which made almost everything shutdown again. The roads were horrible and people were abandoning their stranded cars in the road because of how deep the snow had gotten. My dad came to my house, picked me up in his truck, and took me over to their house so that I could play in the snow like a little kid with my 'lil sister and Taco, the pitbull. We had a really great time being little kids again. At lunch, we had hotdogs and I made my mom and I some cajun sweet potato fries. In the afternoon, we walked to my aunt and uncle's house to throw snowballs, but the snow was too powdery. We ended up just tackling each other into the snow drifts and helping people get their cars unstuck. 

Dad took me home around dinner time and I made some chili out of my own head. It was pretty good, but I probably should have cooked my meat with the peppers instead of just letting them simmer. I used two pounds of ground beef, a large can of diced fire-roasted tomatoes, a can of tomato paste, cumin, mexican chili powder, and a touch of cayenne pepper. I let it simmer for 45 minutes until my hunger grew to starving and I couldn't wait any longer. 

Thursday, I decided that I needed to go into work even though we were closed again due to snow, so I braved the roads so that I can get results out to needy people with possible UTIs. I spent more time at work that I should have, but I needed to get away. I, then, went to a friend's house to hang out for a bit before her husband goes on leave. We cooked some chicken with garam marsala seasoning and watched Fairy Tail which talking and being silly. I went home and ate leftover chili which was much better than the day before. It was my last day too! I had made it!

Day 31, which was Friday, my parents treated Maw-maw and I to cracker barrel. I still got the grilled catfish with two sides of turnip greens and a very bland cucumber, tomato, and onion salad. I didn't touch the bread and I only drank water. I was super proud of  myself. I really didn't want to cause any problems. 

Unfortunately, the weekend was a different story. I had a chocolate milkshake when I had lunch with my knitting partners-in-crime after going to the Neighborhood Fiber co trunk show and super bowl sale at my local yarn store (LYS). Then, it was late when I got home so I ordered stir-fry from a chinese place down the street since Maw-maw was really craving it. Note to self: Those people were right. Chinese food is NOT your friend! I have been battling the "Chinese flux" for two days now. 

Superbowl sunday, I made the crispy and spicy hot wings again with a paleo-fied bloomin' onion (which was a bust!). Maw-maw snuck in a little bit of flour to the batter for the onions and I didn't find out until after dinner, so my stomach is now really not happy. I can't believe that I'm so sensitive to gluten, but the results don't lie.

So what's next? I'm going to eat cleaner than normal while I go through the moving process, but I am not going to get overly anxious if there are a day or two when I can't be completely clean because I just can't let that add on to the stress. After I move and get situated, I'm thinking about another Whole30. I, also, want to start getting physical (Does Oliva Newton John pop in your head too?) by exercising and finding a yoga place. This is an exciting new adventure in my life and I plan on sharing it with you.

I'll keep you posted! 

-- Yersinia

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