Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 21-23: SNOW!!!! (and an adventure)

Winter storm Janus blasted its way towards the East Coast, leaving the group of cities where I live in total chaos. It was only a few inches, but everyone acted like it was a blizzard. The chaos on the roads was just enough to make one scream, which I did at a few points. This is what happens with it snows in a place that doesn't see it quite that often. Sigh.

Day 21 started and I realized that my pajama pants were feeling a little looser. I wasn't going to jump for joy because it's too early t tell, but I think that my irritable, angry bowels are starting to heal. I rolled out of bed, tired still as if I hadn't had any sleep. I don't know if I'll ever have energy again, but I'm really tired of being, well, tired. Energy has eluded me for a few years now, it seems.

I went to work and realized that I was on the microbiology bench this week! HUZZAH! I don't know why messing with bacteria makes me happy, but I love it. I, also, tried to do some black coffee again because I was so drained while at work. A few sips was good enough for me. It's still way too bitter and I can't seem to get my head around the "bulletproof" coffee with ghee and/or coconut oil.
How to make bulletproof coffee

Lunch consisted of leftovers from dinner the night before. Nothing overly special. People are starting to get used to my new eating habits so they weren't questioning why I didn't have a starch or why I wasn't eating bread. There was no one trying to tempt me with their food or asking me if I want to try this or that dish. This is starting to get nice again.

Going home was interesting. I had to stop by Cato to get a new blouse for an interview in DC. Nothing I had fit nicely nor looked nice enough. I also stopped to get hosiery (thick stuff too because it's cold!) and gas while it started to snow before heading home. Because of the cold weather, I decided that I wanted soup, so I made  a double batch of the no-fuss salmon patties again with creamy tomato soup. The soup was a little bit bland for my liking, but I'm sure I can doctor it up or find another recipe to follow, but it was a quick recipe.

Day 22nd was the day of the treacherous driving. The roads were ice rinks. One guy, whipped around my car, driving recklessly over the iced roads, and slammed on his brakes at a red light. Lo and behold! he couldn't stop so he slid through the intersection while two cars were passing through, narrowly making it without hitting either car. Ugh!

I got to work two hours before we were going to open (delayed to 10am), but that was fine. It was quiet so I was able to work in peace. Now, I know why my coworker doesn't like me showing up until he's been here for two hours. My other coworker lives too far away to make it in without risking her life, so we told her to stay home.

I had leftover salmon patties and soup for lunch while the rest of the practice had pizza. Oh, how much I wanted to go in there and snag a piece. I miss pizza, but I am trying not to have SWYPO with a gluten free pizza crust. I did get a few strange looks because I wasn't eating the FREE pizza. I calmly explained to them why I wasn't, and they left me alone.

I left work early since I got in so early and started the drive to DC. I feared that the roads would be awful, but to my surprise, they were in better shape than the roads around my neighborhood. I was able to make it to DC before sundown in one piece. The traffic was light and I was in high spirits.

For dinner, I ate some more leftover salmon patties and soup. I decided not t have to worry C about what to have for dinner since I'm sure he only had pasta, sandwich makings, and cereal easily on hand. I was happy to share some of the patties with him, which he said that he wanted me to make them all the time. I like compliments like that about my cooking. I work hard to make good food. I think the food is the only reason why I am still able to do this.

After dinner, we went to bed. I had to wake up early and get ready for my interview and make sure that I knew where I was going.

Day 23rd started with a hot shower because I was dragging. I love spending time with C, but his bed is AWFUL! I have no idea how he sleeps on it. Afterwards, I got dressed in my professional gear. I wore gray wool slacks, a white button-downed shirt, dress boots, and a woolen coat. I also had a wool head wrap thing to keep my ears warm and my hand-knit cowl. I was pretty warm for it only being in the teens outside.

I decided that I didn't want to try and navigate DC without knowing the roads well, so I rode the metro. There were some delays and I missed my first (and best train) so I had to transfer lines at Pentagon city. Once I got the Columbia heights, I missed the shuttle to the hospital I was interviewing for...and that's when I heard the soft pop from my shoes. My favorite dress boots suddenly started to rip along the seam, gaping at me with malicious intent. I wanted to cry because at this point I was late and now had a pretty awful wardrobe malfunction, but I got there in time to make it to one of the two interviews. The other interview was rescheduled until later that day.

The interviews seemed to have gone well, but I won't know for at least 2 weeks or so. The hospital seemed pretty good. They encourage people to move up in the laboratory hierarchy, so there are plenty of opportunities. I would miss microbiology, but I could always give this a try while trying to find a better suiting job? I am trying to keep my hopes in check, but I need a full-time job.

Afterwards, C and I went to lunch in Old Towne at a BGR burger joint. I had a plain burger with pickles, tomatoes, and mushroom topping on a lettuce wrap with asparagus fries (grilled asparagus) while he at a more decadent burger with sweet potato fries. We talked about the interview and then had to part. I went straight to his home, packed, and left. I felt bad that I couldn't at least have dinner with him and say a proper farewell, but I really didn't want to be on the roads too late since I had to go back to work on Friday.

I got home around 8:30 and cooked me a simple plate of bacon with scrambled eggs and broccoli. It was surprisingly delicious, although simple. I also cooked a bacon, broccoli, and andouille sausage stir-fry for my lunch the next day. Afterwards, I climbed into bed, snuggled with Toby (who is still taking over my bed) and fell asleep.
Not my picture, but this is the sausage!

I am truly hoping that the "tiger blood" phase will come back. I don't know exactly what is causing this slight down feeling, but it really needs to go away. My stomach is not as grumbly as it once was and there has been few embarrassing (stinky gas-related) moments since the previous week. I feel more regulated bowel-wise than I have been in months.

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