Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 4: Where did the time go?!

Awww kitty! That's exactly what I looked like this morning. I slept another 10 hours of pure bliss. I didn't even wake up once! When I did, I almost refused to get out  of bed. But, alas, I had to because my folks were coming over here to help my Maw-maw and I to put away the Christmas stuff.

I got out of bed and rolled up my sleeves to cook something utterly amazing. Well, it was amazing because usually I drag myself out of bed, guzzle a cup of coffee, and stare into the abyss until lunch time. Anyways, I made a mild Italian sausage frittata with oregano, green bell peppers, and shallots. I have enough leftover for my breakfast tomorrow morning. YAY!

Lunch kind of got away from me. I was so stuffed from the frittata that I didn't bother to eat anything before doing the decoration hustle. We got everything put away by 3pm, so Maw-maw and I went to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods to see what all the fuss was all about. I can't go there anymore. I spent way too much on Whole30 compliant bacon....and macadamia nuts. Seriously? Why were they so expensive?!

Dinner was practically droolworthy. I made some tartar sauce from my homemade mayonnaise, which was easier than I thought. I am sure the dancing in my kitchen would have made everyone point and laugh at me, but the chemistry behind mayo is so freaking cool and when I made mayo the first time, it was awesome! 
BAM! homemade mayo!!!

I, also, made the no-fuss salmon cakes from It Starts With Food which was...foodgasmic (and I found out that I like canned sweet potatoes...from the can). It was so simple that now I need to make sure that I have the ingredients with me at all times, just in case. Could this be my go-to meal?

I made sure I also had some broccoli to go along with it. Although, the patties themselves would have been  fine with me. Maw-maw sure loved them. Add them with the tartar sauce and I was one happy camper. And I have some leftover for next week! 

Yup, there's some canned sweet potatoes there too..Told you I liked them!

Now, I'm heading to bed. It's been a fun day. Tomorrow is the finalization of my meal plan (call it more of a guide) and cooresponding shopping list. I'll be in the kitchen all day to prepare for a picture heavy entry!


-- Yersinia

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