Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 10: Can I give up?

I am at that point where I want to throw in the towel, say "screw it!" and give up on my health goals. This is hard. It's so much harder now that I have to struggle to figure out something to eat for dinner. If it was just me, I think I could figure something out, but I am also cooking for Maw-maw. I want something spicy, something that she wouldn't even touch with a ten-foot pole.  I don't want the ground beef that I took out of the freezer last night. 

I barely woke up to my alarm clock. Sleeping seems to be so much better anyways. I tried to ignore my dogs barking. I knew they had to pee, but I truly just didn't want to leave the comfortable warmth that I had finally wrapped myself in. Finally, I got out of bed because Theo's bark was driving me bonkers.

I found that Buffy the Vampire Slayer was on FX this morning, so I turned it on to watch half and episode while I got dressed. My brain just wasn't clearing up. I walked into the kitchen, determined that I would make something delicious for breakfast and my lunch. I roamed the kitchen, staring into every cabinet, nook, and cranny, and finally decided I would make scrambled eggs even though I didn't want them. As I as cooking them, I happened to glance at the time and realize that I was running late so I threw my eggs in a container and ran out the door. 

People must have gotten a memo that told them to drive like morons this morning. Out-of-state license plates were cutting me off, randomly slowing down quickly, and driving 10 mph under the posted speed limit. I even had a guy, who was driving in the left lane, cross my lane to make a right turn. Really?! I actually honked at him because he did it right in front of me. If I had decided to drive any faster, I would have t-boned him. Thankfully, my brakes work and so does my horn. Ugh.

I got to work and realized that I didn't have the appetite for breakfast. I warmed it up again and tried to take a bite out of it, but it just wasn't what I wanted. I had also slipped further into a funk at this point -- a funk that would last the entire day. My coworker had to leave early for a funeral, so I had to hold the fort down until 5. Extra hour of work, yay! All I want to do is crawl into bed again. Grr. 

Lunch was a smorgasbord of stuff. I found some pre-cooked bacon, turkey, and some extra lettuce so I made a turkey wrapped BLT. I also had a sweet potato sitting around, so I decided that I would have that with a sprinkle of ginger, cinnamon, and allspice (not too bad). Lastly, I found an apple and a leftover sausage. Lots of protein, not much vegetable matter. I need to get better at this. 

Work afterwards was dull. I continued to run routines and same-days simultaneously until 3:30. Then, I tried to work on the turn-around time tracking, but my mind was so out of if that I ended up staring at a blank screen. I even tried to research what I can do with some random ground beef. I thought about soup or stir-fry. I spent a lot of time thinking that I wanted meatballs, but I had nothing to make sauce for them. 

Tonight, my 'lil sister and I are going dancing at the country-western bar down the street from me. I'll be tempted to get a mixed drink or fried pickles, but I think I can do this with just water. I'm sure the sister will keep me in line. This outing was my idea, but I thought that we are overdue a sisterly date and with how our situations are going, it is probably a good idea.

I'll keep you posted on what I end up with for dinner. I'm still kind of wishing that I could just get a pizza from pizza slut or something. Sigh. Now, I know what they meant by having a go-to dinner in case you don't feel like cooking for a long time. I need a go-to meal that I can go to when I don't have money. 

I'm going to quite complaining. Life doesn't stink and I'm doing this for my health. I can do this. I can, right? 

-- Yersinia

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