Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 7:It's been one week since you looked at me....

Yes, yes I went there!

Last night, I was sleepless. I tossed and turned until the wee hours of the morning. When I finally went to sleep, it was interrupted several times. I'm not normally a light sleeper, but every noise last night seemed to pull me out of my dreamless world. I was starting to feel like rest was over-rated.

When I finally decided enough was enough and woke up, the world had a nice brisk feel to it....well, it was 13ยบ outside. Brrr! It rarely gets this cold around here. I regretted having to get out of bed and put cold clothes on. I almost put my clothes in the dryer to warm them up a little. I ended up doubling my layers since scrubs aren't particularly thick and I even kept my hair down until I got to work for a little extra warmth.

Breakfast was a tad hurried. I had gone out to warm up my car when I realized that I hadn't eaten anything so I ran back inside, nuked the last salmon patty with some broccoli and ate it while my car was warming up and the heater was actually blowing hot air. Going to work wasn't bad though. There was minimal ice on the roads, mainly in the curbs, so I didn't have to worry about slipping and sliding all the way to work. I actually got here on time without much ado.

My coworker does my quality control for me before I get in, so I didn't have to do that, but I had to jump right into the same-day testing chaos. There was one already on the analyzer and one in the centrifuge. I pulled off my coat, put up my hair, and then the pneumatic tube brought me another one. I was pretty much on the go until about 11 am when I started to slow down, which is also about the time when I realized that I'm exhausted yet again.

I made some Scottish Breakfast tea (the espresso of teas in my opinion) since coffee still doesn't sit right with me, which is fine because tea is ten times better. I mainly drank it for warmth because no amount of caffeine is going to perk me up. Also, my nose is starting to act up which I'm worried isn't from allergies now. Did I managed to also get a cold on top of all this. Maybe I'm stressing out my body too much.
This one to be exact! 
While at lunch, I finished my meal plan with all the changes that I had to make due to monetary restrictions (sigh, there went a curry that I wanted to do), but I think that it looks fairly decent. I'm having a hard time with snacks still. I found some interesting snack ideas that I might try later. I wanted to make some kale chips, but I will have to wait until the weekend or next paycheck before I get some kale. I'll see when I get home. Anyone know of a good way to make a large batch and keep them from getting limp?

Anyways, here is my finished meal plan for the week:

So this is only a guideline. I might not want a salad on Thursday and go with something else instead, but at least I will know that I will have something for each day. Next week will be harder, but I'm sure I can make it work with a few miracles and some extra special planning. Might have to eat canned tuna every day, but it'll still be compliant! 

Lunch was pretty good. I had the leftover hamburger sans the pickles. My salad was extra filling for some reason as well. Must have been that spinach. I had an orange, but didn't get around to eating it. I'll keep it for a snack later on. It was was so cold outside that the lounge was packed with people by the time I finished. I tried to interact with some of the people who were talking about different grocery stores to go to, but I guess my voice doesn't break through the constant chatter. I was pretty much ignored. I didn't care though. I was happy reading for the remainder of the 30 minutes. 

After lunch, I continued to run samples and receive same-days. Things were slowing down again around 2pm with only same-day samples to run. So, I started to do some of my "busy" work which consists of tracking the times for the same-days and determining how successful we are with them. To be frank, we aren't that successful which is sad because I have suggested ways to make it run smoothly. Only bits and pieces of my presentation was even considered, but nothing came of it. 

I left work late and went to get some groceries (I love my local international market!). I, then, made dinner which was the garlicky shrimp and swiss chard. I found some plantains that were perfect so I decided to also make fried plantains in coconut oil. I was a little disappointed with the swiss chard, but overall it was pretty good. Since I found some nice king oyster mushrooms for only $2, so I decided to make mushroom chips a la nomnompaleo.  Speaking of mushroom chips, they should be ready to come out of the oven soon. 

By the way, I think I am coming down with a cold. I can't stop sneezing, my nose is running away from me, and my entire face feels like something tried to fry or smash it with a sledge hammer. I think it might be an early bed for me tonight. 


-- Yersinia

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