Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 15: Half-way mark!

It's a foggy morning here in my hometown. So foggy that travelling to work was a bit rough. I managed to not want to kill anyone though, so that's good.

I woke up with a cat lovingly draped over my legs, pinning me to my bed. I was wondering why my legs and feet were so warm. Toby takes spells -- sometimes he sleeps with Maw-maw, sometimes with me, and sometimes in a random spot in the house. I truly think he has a sixth sense for whenever my boyfriend comes into town (this weekend!!!) and so he rubs himself all over my bed so that I will have to clean my sheets or else have to feel bad that allergies are running amok.

This morning, I felt a little forgetful. I forgot to take my thyroxine, brush my teeth, and eat breakfast before going to work. Yeah, I know you shouldn't forget those, but I felt like I was in a dream-like state and after dreaming about daikon radishes all night long, it's no wonder I'm not crazy as is. I mean, who dreams about daikon radishes?! Not your normal person that's for sure.

Last night, I had the beginnings of a migraine. Today, it's still there, but lurking silently behind my left eye, waiting for the most inopportune time to strike. I made sure I packed my migraine meds with me this morning. I didn't want to be at work almost incapacitated. 

Lunch today was leftover pan-seared salmon with mango-avocado salsa, a sweet potato, and an apple (if needed). I think I am getting better at this. I got some funny looks because I refused to have any of the cupcakes that were in the kitchen. I'm sorry, but I've come this far, I am not going to back-track now. I don't want to start this all over again. 

I that I was going to go home and make those fajitas that I kept talking about. I found some extra chorizo so I added it in with some chicken and steak. I made my own fajita seasoning with some cumin, garlic powder, chili powder, and a bit of cayenne pepper. Made the fajitas so yummy, yet have a nice heat to them. They weren't too terribly hot since Maw-maw devoured her fajitas and had another helping. I had my fajita meat in a bowl. I wanted to put it on the spinach I got, but when I opened the bag, I was greeted with the smell of decay and black spinach. Really?! There went my idea of having extra greens. 

I was feeling a bit "meh" all day. Work was truly slow and boredom doesn't sit well with me. I seemed tired the entire time I was at work. Shouldn't I feel something awesome yet? I wasn't craving sugars or anything, so that was good. I just wished something exciting would happen. 

After dinner, I decided to look for more jobs and rummage around my room for a bit before crawling into bed, cuddling with the cat (who knows that C is coming down so he must sleep in my bed with me), and read for a bit. It was nice. 

Aww cuddling tigers! I shall leave this with the cuteness.

-- Yersinia

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