Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 16: RAWR!

Day 16 or also the day that I had such craptastic sleep that I snapped at the owner of the yarn store for hawking her fiber. Geez, woman! I am poor! I don't want to touch that soft cashmerino fiber that I won't be able to have because it's out of my price range by...a lot. I'm on a severe yarn and fiber diet so even if it was on sale for $5, I couldn't get it. I think I offended her because I did finally feel it after my favorite employee handed me my favorite colorways. Yeah...I was feeling a bit mean.

Had these colors, but it was different...and pretty!

To be honest, I woke up with not many problems besides the fact that I was EXHAUSTED still. I mean, shouldn't I be getting more energy by this point? I looked at my sleep time app and saw that I had slept fitfully and it didn't surprise me that I was grumpy (and late for work).

Everything was a complaint for me in the morning: work was too slow and boring, my eyes were burning, I couldn't stop sneezing, and one of my coworkers wasn't going to be there so I had to work late. Just a lot of things that I could find to complain about. I had to force myself to look on the bright side. At least I had a job and that I could grab extra hours. Yes, I was bored, but I was able to keep myself from falling asleep.

I am having a hard time eating breakfast. I just can't seem to get myself wanting breakfast. I guess that I am a natural intermittent faster? Not only am I not hungry, I don't find breakfast food appealing to me, especially without cheese!

I had leftover fajitas for lunch. A coworker who has been on this no-carb, ultra-low carb diet was picking on me because I had a bowl of meat with onions and peppers. She was eating chicken noodle soup from cambell's! Only thing that made that lower carb was the removal of the noodles. She kept talking about how this diet she's on isn't working, but she doesn't want to gain any weight back. Seriously? If it isn't working, try something else. I did! Maybe she has the same problem as me? Collecting underpants.

After work, I went to TYC for some fiber spinning fun with some friends. We talked for a long while and made funny faces at the baby. My mood brightened up a bit and I managed to go through an ounce of roving while sitting there which is pretty good for this amateur spindle spinner. The fiber I was using was Malabrigo nube, a beautiful gray and purple merino. I think I am starting to get my crafting bug back. After finishing C's hat, I hadn't really felt like working on anything. I really need to finish my Catkin so that I might be able to wear it one of these days.

When I came home at 9, I quickly scrambled some eggs with green peppers and onions and topped with salsa (since I can't have cheese). This is my first time doing that and it was really good! Then, I cooked some curry for lunch for Day 17. I found some frozen green beans and leftover peppers and onions and made a hot red curry with coconut milk, chicken, and shrimp. Yup, fancy. I took a bite of it before packing it away. It was really good. Hope it kept overnight.

Then, I went to bed to find a Toby sprawled out in the middle. I had to literally lay on him before he would move...onto my chest. Sigh. I read for a little bit and talked to C before going to sleep. Overall, it was a nice night, the polar opposite of my morning.

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