Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day 2: Can I get the license off the truck that ran over me?!

So, this is what the folks of whole9 were talking about -- day two does feel like a hangover. I woke up this morning feeling decent, but I lacked the energy to actually get up. My body hurt a little as well, but at least I slept like the dead (according to my sleeptime app).

After dragging myself out of bed, I realized that my hurried movements caused me to get a headache. Moving too fast made me feel almost queasy; however, I refused to give up. I had a taste of black coffee to see if the caffeine would ease the headache, but it didn't. So, I armed with myself with my migraine meds and excedrine, just in case.

Sadly, I woke up too late to eat breakfast after I took my thyroxine (must wait 30 - 60 minutes afterwards to eat). I drank a ton of water to get everything up and running, even if my brain said that that was not possible today.

Lunch came around at noon. I had leftover Asian beef and broccoli from last night on top of a heaping pile of spinach and a small mandarin orange. I had another sip of black coffee before I just gave up and returned to my water which I'm sure I am not drinking enough of.

After lunch, I finished up the few urine cultures that came in on Tuesday while wishing that the microscope wasn't so bright and out-of-focus (turned out that it was really just me, not the 'scope itself). Time seemed to come to a crawl and I still had four more hours to go.

Finally, I was able to leave work. The glare from on-coming traffic, however, made me want to crawl into a dark hole. I was becoming more and more light-sensitive. Ugh. Thankfully, I arrived home just in time for dinner. Maw-maw started to heat up the chocolate chili and I riced some cauliflower. After eating, I felt ten times better.

Finished chili and a mug of tea
Now, it's only 9:20pm, but I think that my bed is calling my name. I need to start planning my meals for next week since Sunday is my grocery trip day. I might do that tomorrow. Tonight, I'm going to have a date with a very thick fictional tome called Sacajawea!


-- Yersinia

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