Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 14: Rain rain go away | Come again another day |


It's a dreary, rainy day 14. I woke up to a downpour (a miracle that the dogs weren't barking!). I thought that I would get up, but decided that it was so nice and warm in my bed that I would just listen to the rain. It was kind of nice. I, then, got up, dressed, and packed my lunch, but I wasn't hungry for breakfast. I decided to grab a Rx bar for an emergency nibble if I got hungry at work.

I got to work and had to jump right in. There is no slow moment in the morning, I am already running by the time I put my lunch in the fridge and hang up my hoodie. I managed to get everything situated enough that I was able to sit down and do a little bit of turn-around tracking for Same-days and help the micro bench out if need be. I'm that efficient.

Energy is still a little slow to getting to me. I don't know if it's because I skip breakfast a lot (my thyroxine tends to work better that way) or what. I try to eat breakfast, but I end up feeling nauseated by the time I get to work. I hate that feeling so I avoid it at all costs.

Lunch came around slowly. I still wasn't hungry until I walked into the employee kitchen. Then, my brain realized that it needed food to function. I heated up a can of beets in my pyrex bowl -- somehow I managed to not get beet juice all over my white scrub bottoms. Score for me! I, then, put my salmon salad in a radicchio leaf. The salad was good since I used some dried chives, dried parsley, and dill weed in the the homemade mayo that I mixed the fish in. Very tasty. Unfortunately, the radicchio leaf seemed to be too bitter. I had a hard time eating the second leaf. Next time, I'm going to stick with cabbage or romaine which isn't quite as strong in taste. Maybe the radicchio overpowered the fish?

Work continued to be slow which was a blessing and a curse. It meant that I spent a lot of time doing other projects that are mindless data entry. I began to count down the hours and minutes until I am finished for the day, especially since I promised a friend that I would stop by her house for a bit after work. Maybe we can go to the tea shop and see if there's a tea I would drink that doesn't need sugar? Who am I kidding? I'm from the South, we like to have tea with our sugar, thanks.

Proper as in sweetened somehow? 
I believe dinner is going to be salmon for me and tilapia for Maw-maw. I thought about making fajitas for dinner, but since I was going to use the radicchio, I am going to pass that for tomorrow. I'll stop by and get me some red leaf lettuce or something on my way home from work. I was thinking about making mango salsa, but now, I'm thinking about making grilled mango slices or something like that. I haven't decided as of yet. Guess I should, huh? If I do the salsa, I would need to grab some avocados and cilantro on my way home. We shall see. 

So, after I wrote that, I realized that I really wanted to try the mango salsa and pan-seared salmon from nomnompaleo. I went to Grandmart and got me a hass avocado and another mango because who doesn't like mango?! I also grabbed a bunch of cilantro and roamed around staring at the odd things that international markets contain like edible blood and bile with a friend. Yup, you find all sorts of things. 

Dinner took me less than 20 minutes from prep to done. I was so happy since I came home extremely late and Maw-maw was ready to eat. I also learned how to cut up mango and avocado! YES! I am super smart now. 

Extra large for that added detail!

After dinner, I watched Marvel's Agents of SHIELD with Maw-maw and took a shower. Oh how great it felt to feel clean. 

So how am I feeling after the first half of my Whole30? I'm feeling pretty good. Not quite "tiger blood" but I can feel it. I've also been getting compliments on how I look a little thinner in the face, but you know, I think I'm more enjoying the lack of embarrassing bowel problems. I mean I still have them, but it's not all day every day. I'm enjoying that. 

Tomorrow starts the second week. I'm trying to decide whether we are going to have fajitas or chicken wings for dinner. I'll probably pull it out and put it in a defrost bowl in the fridge tomorrow morning. Also, I will either need to get something else to wrap my fajitas or just go with the flow and eat with chopsticks. Yes..let's merge two totally different cultures into one. Got to make eating fun somehow!

Yeah that looks way too appealing to give up...


-- Yersinia

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