Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 3: Tired much?

It's a day late, I know. Day three was the day when I had no energy, not even to go and check out the organic depot that's near my work.

I woke up early in the morning with an urgent need to urinate. Usually, I sleep through the night, so this was highly unusual. I woke up a few times throughout the night, hoping that I'd be able to fall asleep. The headache was still there, but not quite as intense.

I woke up with enough time before work to have breakfast, which made me extremely proud. I ended up taking leftover ham from the weekend and pan-frying it to warm it back up with a bowl of zucchini soup. Let's just say, I am quite enjoying the breakfast is considered meal #1 concept. I don't have to eat eggs and bacon every day!

Excuse the crappy picture taking from here on out. My camera died and I can't find the charger.

Meal #2 was some leftover chocolate chili and cauliflower rice. I had quite a few number of people asking what was so delicious smelling coming out of the microwave. Of course, I beamed because I knew that if they found out it was "healthy" chili and homecooked, they probably wouldn't believe me. It's just that good.

The rest of the day was quiet. I had already finished in on the microbiology side, so I did a ton of busy work. I also started working on my meals for next week which I'm pretty excited about. I stole a lot of them from other sites, but I'm new at this healthy eating thing.

I came home, dragging again from lack of energy. I tried to grill some amazing chicken thighs, but I popped a fuse when I used my cuisinart grill along with the microwave. I had to finish them off in the stove, but they still got those nice charred grill marks. We had them with some brussel sprouts and chopped apples.

Oh look! Oranges too! 
After dinner, Maw-maw and I finished season 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and watched Grimm. I was feeling so sluggish that I called it a night at 10. 

I was so proud of myself, I kept wanting to snack on certain non-compliant foods, but I used the force and was able to keep away. I have a feeling that I need to make my own pickles though since they are one of my favorite snacks. Hrm...

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