Monday, February 10, 2014

Baby shower, dinner party, opera...oh my!

So this weekend was pretty awful when it came to eating clean. I was feeling so good and invincible that I wanted to just let loose this weekend, especially since I had attended two parties and the food choices were not the cleanest. I rue that decision now. Seriously...rue.

On Saturday, I want to T's baby shower. She was beautiful and it was great to see her. Her shower went off without a hitch. Everyone arrived on time, the games were quick and fun, and the food was pretty delicious. I tried to limit myself to just the fruit, I even ate before I arrived so I wouldn't be tempted to gorge. I did stay away from the fried chicken. I tried the deviled eggs, but someone put a lot of sugar in their mixture. I found it gross. I ended up overindulging in the lumpia and pancit.

My other best friend, L, and I were the champs of the games. I won once and she was able to snag two. We were a formidable team. L was there earlier than me. She decorated with T's other friend and got things situated. I came after I worked in the lab, so there was nothing left for me to do which was fine since I felt a little out of place. I am a serious introvert and there were way too many new faces. I still managed to have a great time and I am sure T did as well.

Afterwards, L and I went to the country western bar for the anniversary/going away party that my family was holding. I tried to dance the night away, but there was a horde of college students there. They acted like cattle, they didn't know the dances so they would crowd around those that did. If they were at one side of the dance floor and the regular dancers were at the other, they would stampede to the other side. Everyone was getting frustrated with them and there were times when the DJ would play awful songs just to get them off the dance floor.

Dinner was okay. L and I shared some hot wings (which had a few undercooked ones) and some onion rings. Neither of us were really hungry since we had just left the baby shower and we were both tired. The service was okay. I think they got a little overwhelmed since we were a party of over 20 people and the two waitresses assigned to us didn't have a clear plan of attack. Our food arrived late and the few mixed drinks that I had came about 15-30 minutes after I ordered it. Usually, they are never like this. I guess everyone can have an off day.

Sunday, I woke up early (after only 5 hours of sleep) and went to work to set-up my cultures that arrived on Saturday. Then, I headed to my ashtanga yoga practice for an hour. I really love this yoga studio. The instructor is pretty awesome and she tries to push us hard, but not be militant about it. I always feel great after I leave because I see my body being able to do something that it hasn't been able to do before, even if its touch my toes.

After yoga, I stopped by my storage unit to pack a few things that are essential and rearrange the storage unit for easier access. I was getting a little angry because I couldn't find stuff that I thought should be in there. Did someone take these items? Not sure.

Mom came and picked me up and we went to the Opera House to watch Ariadne auf Naxos which is a comedic opera composed and written by Strauss. I found it absolutely amazing. It was about a rich man having a dinner party and he paid to have an opera and a comedy performed as entertainment. The opera was supposed to be first which annoyed the composer. However, the dinner party went longer than expected, so the major domo told the two companies that they would have to perform their piece simultaneously. The second half of the opera was what the two companies came up with. Genius. Also, I loved how the comediennes were punk rockers!

After that, mom took me to her house and we had dinner with dad and 'lil sister. Dad made fried chicken strips and mac'n'cheese from the Duck Dynasty cook book. I enjoyed the chicken strips. I found the mac'n'cheese a little flavorless with too much flour. It might be me though. We watched Resident Evil while eating which my mom just rolled her eyes at Dad and I. We have similar tastes in movies.

Lil' sister took me home around 8 so that I could do laundry and pack some more stuff. I watched Black Sails with Maw-maw and spent a little time with her. I seem to not have any time anymore to just stay home. I guess that's what I will be doing for the next week. I fear she thinks I don't love her anymore because I am leaving which is contrary to the truth. Guess I'll have to deal with her feeling betrayed every couple of days. Sigh.

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